Wax Seal Necklaces - Express Yourself With Wearable Art

Perseverance Wins

Today's featured wax seal necklace is "The Tortoise And The Hare" -
depicting a scene out of Aesop fable numbered 226 in the Perry Index.

Tortoise and Hare Wax Seal Necklace

From the childhood fable 
we all learn that "Slow but steady wins the race."
Stick to your game plan, go step by step, stay determined and you'll make it.

Tortoise and Hare Emblem

The above emblem from Otto Vaenius book dated 1618 quotes;
"Let the tortoise be the example of your efforts,
that defeats the wandering hare by going steady."

Tortoise and Hare fable

Above is an illustration by Jean Grandville from 1838,  "The Tortoise And The Hare".
We figure the moral of the story could also be the obvious;
Never stop and take a nap in the middle of a race!

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